Monday, January 12, 2015

Deck Archetype: MegaPunch

As I have told you before, readers, I play Pokemon TCG Online. (In fact, if you read my first post, I have secured Lucario-EX and M-Lucario-EX. I also got a super-rare print M-Gengar-EX... except that it's trade-locked and I don't have a Gengar-EX. That was crushing.)

Thus, I thought it would be kind of me to share a deck archetype with those of you who also play the TCG. This particular deck, MegaPunch, is my way of silently showing off that M-Lucario-EX. For me it yields a 67% win percentage. The deck, as of now, is tournament legal.

3xSnivyBoundaries Crossed
3xServineBoundaries Crossed
2xSerperiorBoundaries Crossed
1xLandorusFurious Fists
1xMeloettaLegendary Treasures
3xTrapinchBoundaries Crossed
2xVibravaFurious Fists
3xFlygonBoundaries Crossed
1xLucario-EXFurious Fists
1xM-Lucario-EXFurious Fists
2xEnergy Switch---
2xRare Candy---
2xProfessor's Letter---
2xKorrinaFurious Fists
2xProfessor Juniper---
2xPokemon Fan Club---
1xFighting Stadium---
1xTraining Center---
4xDouble Colorless Energy---
1xRainbow Energy---
10xFighting Energy---
6xGrass Energy---

  • The Snivy line is a great support for later operations. Due to Serperior's healing Mega Drain, it can stay in play for a while, buying you a lot of time to set up Flygon and Lucario.
  • The Trapinch line is a hard hitter later in the evolution line. Flygon is a great Dragon-type to use against more powerful Dragon-type EXes, and the Sand Slammer effect is awesome when you can keep Flygon in play for a few turns, wreaking havoc on lower-stage Pokemon on your opponent's bench. (In my real online deck, I have a couple of Furious Fists Flygon also, which have a more powerful version of Serperior's Mega Drain healing effect, and also with a Fairy weakness.)
  • Landorus is a powerful lead, especially when you have Professor Juniper in your hand. The high count of energy in this deck helps to set up Flygon and Lucario with energy quickly after you dispose the energy in your hand with a Professor or after one of your other Pokemon has fainted. However, it also hits hard without that effect with its Sky Lariat attack.
  • Meloetta is a decent support card, capable of dealing anywhere from 40 to... well, infinity damage. I believe the highest I've ever gotten the damage to was around 150... and the opponent was weak to the Fighting type. It's an okay stall card, but not one I would really rely on.
  • Lucario-EX and its Mega Evolution are the powerhouse of this deck. Lucario sets up well as a lead, with its 3 attacks and its ability to draw in cards to your hand. What's more, if you're lucky and have an Evosoda in your hand, you can play it and, on your second turn, mega-evolve Lucario, ending your turn with (hopefully) two Fighting energy attached to it, ready to attach another Energy next turn and to attack for 140. It also helps that Mega Lucario comes with an energy-detaching punch that can drain your opponent's EXes.
  • This deck relies heavily on its Supporter cards. Korrina helps both get the powerful Fighting-types out, and also can pull out an Evosoda for Lucario-EX. Professor Juniper (Okay, you can use either professor, but since there is some sort of card error rivalry thing between Juniper and Sycamore, you could only use one or the other, and I chose Juniper because I had more) refills your hand and discards energy for Landorus' Shout of Power attack. Pokemon Fan Club gets cards like Landorus and Lucario-EX out quickly and easily.
  • You may be looking very strangely at me after you read my list of item cards, but I have reasons. Energy Switch is advantageous if I have an energy I need to get to my Dragon-type Flygon or to Lucario-EX. Ether also lets me get energy to Lucario-EX. The Professor's Letter is for getting specific Energy to my hand (because you won't believe how energy-dry this deck runs sometimes).
  • The Stadium cards also play into my hand (no pun intended). Fighting Stadium gives Mega Lucario an extra kick (no pun intended), and Training Center helps power up Serperior and Flygon (I don't know if it helps Mega Lucario, but I don't think so.).
So, there you have it: a Fighting/Grass-type deck that is (2/3) sure to leave the other blown away...

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